Thursday, February 28, 2013
Heart to Heart
Now that I have sufficiently freaked you out and piqued your interest.
When Mike and I decided that we would allow God to control when we had kids 4 years ago, we never imagined that 4 years later we still would not have had another kid. We always envisioned having 4 kids or so. We intentionally waited 3.5 years between Mk and Bria because of how much change was going on in our lives with moving to Texas and figuring out jobs. We kinda figured after Bria, since we weren't preventing any more pregnancies, that we would end up with kids closer together. Well...4 years and 2 months more kids. For a long time I told myself that we weren't dealing with was just God's timing. This summer for the first time I started to wonder if something might be wrong.
I went in and had a barrage of blood work done all to no least in appearance, we should be able to get pregnant. But we haven't. As I struggle with trusting God and His timing for our family, I have also struggled with what to call this period in our lives. Waiting? Infertile? Barren? Crazy? Probably the last for sure...
As have sought out the Bible for wisdom, something to hold on to, I began to see a pattern through the Old Testament. You know what...all throughout the Old Testament God routinely opens and closes wombs in order to fit His perfect timing. This happens both overtly and more subtly. When you talk about barrenness and open/closed wombs, most people will think of Hannah, Rachel and Leah, Sarai...Instances where God clearly talks about that sort of thing. However, most people wouldn't think of Noah and his sons. And its not an obvious one. But if you read it, Noah was 600 years old when he went on the ark...he had 3 sons all with wives. The Bible doesn't mention how old Noah's sons were, but it is clear that only Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives entered the ark. We can assume from Noah's age that his sons were probably also up in age, yet no mentioned children. In fact they don't mention children until they all leave the ark and are tasked with repopulating the Earth. No children, then LOTS of children. God had a plan. How difficult would it have been to have kids on the ark, or to have to leave kids behind to be destroyed by the flood? God was instrumental in opening and closing the womb of those women at the perfect time. But that is a hindsight perspective. How would those women have felt? They most certainly would have been looked down upon in that society...there was no birth control. And your security in your old age was your children. They were everything. So where does that leave me.
Well, maybe this is infertility...maybe this is barrenness...maybe a season...maybe forever...I don't know. But God has a plan for us in all of this and in hindsight, the legacy of this struggle will not be defined by the tough days and tears of this moment, but the bigger picture of God's plan for our family and life. Had we not seen the bigger picture for Noah, we wouldn't have Abraham or Isaac or Jacob or the entire Jewish people. I don't know what our bigger picture looks like in the end...what I do know is this...for some reason God has allowed us to experience infertility right now and has clearly spoken to our hearts to look into adoption.
Adoption...this is such an overwhelming journey to start on. There is so much out there. So much information, so many agencies, so many options! We are both excited and scared. I am also dealing with a lot of emotions steming from dealing with infertility. Don't get me wrong, I love my two girls so much and I almost feel like I shouldn't be allowed to call this infertility, but a good friend encouraged me recently and told me this and it rings so true "It doesn't matter whether you have 2 kids, 10 kids, or no kids, if your family is not complete, it hurts" So there we stand.
* A side note: I wrote this post about a month ago, but it has taken me that long to decide to post it. I finally decided that I couldn't give any room for shame or fear because this is about God's plan to grow our family and giving Him control...there is nothing shameful or fearful about that. Also, In an interesting turn of events, Mike and I have the opportunity to attend a one day free adoption conference at a church in Abilene THIS Saturday. Please keep us in your prayers as we take this huge step towards Adoption!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Catch up post 1: zoo preschool
Last Thursday I took the little girls (Haylie and Bria) to zoo preschool. My grandparents were still in town fro m Minnesots and they came with us! It was a lot of fun. I am so blessed to have my grandparents around and I love that they get to be a part of my girls' lives! Enjoy dome pics from the zoo!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
...and the kitchen sink!
Yesterday was so busy. Outside of my usual friday mornings volunteering at mk's school, I made 4 homemade pizzas (2 for us, 2 for a family in our church who just had a baby), a lemon meringue pie (for my mom and grandpa - he loves it and is here visiting fron Minnesota for the week), a chocolate cream pie (dor the family with the baby), and a baby shower cake ( for a woman in my mom's church that came with us to Women of Joy last sept.) It was such a busy day, but I loved are a couple of pics!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pastor's Kids Searching for Narnia
On a final note, you know you have a Pastors Kid when they dip their broccoli in ketchup and say "look, its the burning bush!" Yep, that was MK!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Lentil Soup: Revisited!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
A visitor...
On Saturday we drove halfway to Austin to meet my sister and pick up our little visitor for the week. Haylie, my 3.5 yr. Old niece is staying with us til thursday. We are having a lot of fun! Everyone loved her at church. She is a hilarious little kid! her sunday school teacher is Big Donnie and he's about 6'2" or so ...he joked around that he gives spankings in his sunday school class...Haylie looked him square in the eye and said with her hands on her hips "i'm not afraid of you!" Love her! She's a spitfire! I'm excited to see what the rest of the week holds!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Happy valentines day
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 medium onion (any color...pick your fav)
- 1/2 cup finely diced carrot
- 4-6 cloves of fresh garlic, finely diced
- 1 lb. ground ________ (pick your fav. meat. sometimes i use ground turkey, today I used 97% lean ground beef, in the past I used meatloaf mix: 1/3 ground beef, 1/3 ground pork, 1/3 ground veal...pick what you like and use it)
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1-6 oz can of tomato paste
- 1-28 oz can of diced or crushed tomatoes ( i used whole peeled tomatoes bc its what I had)
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Kosher Salt
- Italian seasoning
Heat up a frying pan with tall sides or a stock pot. Coat the bottom with about 2 Tablespoons olive oil. Add in diced onion, carrot and garlic. Saute until they are clear and soft. Add about 1/2 tsp salt and about a Tablespoon Italian seasoning (its important to season in layers).
Add ground beef and cook until the meat starts to brown. Once you add the beef sprinkle it with some of the salt.
While the meat was cooking, I used my handy dandy stick blender to puree my whole tomatoes down into a beautiful puree. BTW...I used all organic tomatoes and stock. If you compare prices and shop wisely I have found that I can find them all for the same price or minimally more than non-organic, and the benefit is huge. For example, the whole tomatoes I found on sale at HEB...I usually get diced or crushed, but like a said, a little puree and viola, I have what I need and its organic! The chicken stock/broth I find at HEB and the everyday price is $1.99 per box. Swansons broth at HEB is $1.98 per box. There really is not much consideration needed...Its an easy choice! All that to say, look around and compare'd be surprised how affordable you can get organic products.
Once the meat is browned, I add just a couple of tablespoons of chicken stock to deglaze the pan. Then In goes the puree of tomatoes.
Once the puree goes in and heats through, I add the tomato paste. It looks like a big red blob, but it will melt down and create a rich beautiful sauce. Add the remainder of the chicken stock, about another tsp of salt (or so to taste) and about a tsp or two of Italian seasoning. As it comes together, keep tasting it and
season it to your liking.
Let it simmer for about 20 minutes or so over low heat, stirring occasionally.
Today I took the sauce and mixed it with some al dente rigatoni and some mozzerela cheese mixed through and then on top. Put it in the oven on 350 covered for about 20 min then uncovered for 10.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A little too "Tangled"
Yesterday I was getting ready to make dinner and had pulled out a frying pan. I walked into the living room to tell Mike something and was still holding the pan. Brianna walked in and saw me holding the pan and her eyes got as big as plates...her face lit up in excitement as she started exclaiming: "DO IT MOMMA! DO IT!! HIT DADDY WITH THE FRYING PAN!"
Maybe no more "Tangled" for a while... Sweet Bri!