
photo cred:Amanda V Photography

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Its all about results...

First let me say that I am sorry I have been gone for so long.....we have had one whirlwind of a summer...school starts in 3weeks!!! Wow...I am so not ready! 


I don't know how many of you have been following my blog for very long, but in my new years resolution post I mentioned that I want to lose weight this year.   Thats a pretty common resolution and pretty common to not keep.  However I did start out trying. 

About 4 years ago I started counting calories religiously using spark people.   I lost about 40 lbs. And felt great.  I hit a plateau and at some point in the busyness of life stopped tracking calories.  I didn't gain it back right away...in fact I kept most of it off until about 1 1/2 yrs ago.  I gained back 20 lbs in 6 mos.  I was not proud and I attributed a lot of it to stress.  However I would start trying to lose again using my fitness pal (a similar but better) app.  This time was different.  The weight wouldn't go.  It was so frustrating.   I started beating my self up over it for not being consistent enough or cheating.  Both were true sometimes, but it didn't add up.

I figured I would try adding running or more exercise in general.  I felt great, but I started gaining weight...talk about frustration!  Summer came and it was so busy I just figured I would try to be good but wait til fall to start again. 

Well during this  summer I had some blood work done.  The results of the thyroid panel were off quite a bit.  After some more blood work we decided to start taking synthroid.  I had wondered if thyroid issues might in part be behind some of our infertility issues but it never occurred to me that it could be prohibiting me from losing weight. 

Fast forward 5 weeks and I am now down 7 lbs.!! Its not a lot but it is nice to finally see some results!  It is so much more encouraging to keep making healthy choices about food and exercise when you see results of your hard work!  So my update on the resolution...my goal was 60lbs this year...I am 7 lbs down...I don't know if I will make it but I am going to try!

I have about a million posts to update you with about my summer and I am going to try to get them all up this month so bear with me!