
photo cred:Amanda V Photography

Monday, June 13, 2016

Summer Week 1

Last week was the first official week of summer for me and the girls and that meant the end of Facebook for me.  Here is a bit if what we have been up to (Fair warning: there are ALOT of pictures):

Little bit had her dance pictures for her recital next weekend.  She looks way too grown up!!

You would never know it because she is so shy, but she is the silliest!

My sister and buddy came back for the summer from Asia as she does every summer.  And she is continuing the pattern- every 2 years she comes back and has a baby!  That is #5 in there and I am trying really hard to convince her that Erin or Aaron is the way to go...she isn't listening though!  

MK chillin with Shonda's youngest (for now), the almost 2 year old NateNate

School is out and I am in full on VBS mode.  The other night we were all exhausted and I had been at church all day working on details and details and plans and details so we went out to Torchy's Tacos.  We LOVE Torchys!  

I got the Baja Shrimp Taco and the Taco of the month: the Tipsy Chick.  I highly recommend them both!  

This past weekend Mike and I left the girls with Kim and drove out to Snyder (near Rotan where we used to live) for Mike to perform the wedding of a dear couple we love!  On the way we stopped by the Seminary in Ft worth.  So many memories here!  

Mike wanted to make sure his graduation brick was still there...not like it was going anywhere, but he is particularly proud of it and I think sometimes he is still a little in disbelief! 

Still there!

And it just so happened to be lunch time so we stopped at our FAVORITE Chinese restaurant for our favorite dish: Asian Pecan Chicken
(and yes I realize I am only halfway through the post and have already mentioned food twice!)

Next we stopped in Abilene so Mike could say goodbye to his old friend...our Expedition is finally going to be posted for sale!  

Since we had some time on Saturday morning before the wedding, we went and renewed our zoo membership at the Abilene Zoo...yes I know we do not live there anymore, but the cost of a membership for 6 people at the Abilene Zoo is the same as one visit for a family of 4 at the Houston Zoo and the Abilene Zoo membership is good for free admission to the Houston Zoo as well..WIN WIN!  While waiting for them to get our card we decided to go see the new giraffe exhibit they had started when we were still living there.  It was pretty awesome!

They have a new feeding deck that is covered and you actually get much closer to the giraffes!  This is the new male they acquired and rumor has it he already got 2 of the females there pregnant!  

After the zoo we went back to our hotel and got ready and drove out to Snyder to celebrate Brandi and Justin!  Yall she is one of my dearest friends and I am so glad I got to be there with her and for her.  She asked me to pray over her and all of the female wedding party after getting ready and before the wedding...it was one of the biggest honors for me!  And of course she was stunning!!!

Me and My man all dressed up!

The ceremony took place under a gorgeous willow tree and the rain held off just for her!

Bonus:  I ran into one of my former students from when I used to teach 4th grade out in Snyder...she was at the wedding too!  I feel old...she is going into 7th grade next year...and do you see how she is taller than me!  Not ok!

Post Ceremony Selfie with the Bride!

Their awesome cake!  Not only was it delicious, but this really sums up their relationship!  Justin loves to work on his truck and go mudding and participate in mud bogs.  He actually proposed at a mud bog!  

We got home around 4 am Sunday morning and got a little sleep before getting to church for the day.  The girls were so excited to see us and we were super excited too!  But most excited I think were the puppies!  

Well That is week 1 for you...Week 2 is starting out unusually stressful for us as we are having to switch over all of our banking due to fraudulent activity we noticed on our account.  Hopefully it will end less stressfully than it began!  

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