Mk is getting older and with that comes changes. She no longer thinks everything I say or do is cute or funny...she is starting to be...wait for it...EMBARRASSED! Which is fun...don't get me wrong...I don't want to ever humiliate my child...however a little embarassment over mom acting silly in public....sign me up! I am pretty silly anyways. So last week after ballet we went by starbucks before we headed home from Abilene. Whole I was waiting for my coffee mk was shaking up her I started singing "shake it up baby now...shake it up baby...twist and shout..." she quickly shushed me. I said " I embarassing you?" She said "no...but someone might hear you!" Of course....I continued and did it again this week! I love her so much and I love having fun with her! She is growing up too fast! In this pic she is trying to cover my mouth as I was singing :)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
T-ball (some pics)
Here's a couple pics of our little t-ball player befoee her first game. It was so fun and so cute. I will post more pics of the game later...just wanted to feed you need for uber cuteness!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
My new favorite product
So in the midst of Mk having the tummy bug and a 102* fever Bria had a bloody nose in her sleep last night. She woke up ans Mike went in to her but she didn't realize what was going on amd just said she needed a hug. Well she is on the top bunk and it was dark she she leaned over and got a hug and mike bever realized her nose was bloody. This morning when Bria got up mk freaked out when she saw all the dried blood on B's face. That's when we found it...dried blood on her sheets and pillow and pajamas...great...blood does not usually come out easily especially if it is dried.
So I decided to pour some clorox 2 on it and see what it could do. I figured it would be a long process of washing them several times trying several different theories. To my surprise, as soon as I poured it on the blood it started to foam up everywhere the blood was. I washed everything in hot water and to my utter shock IT ALL CAME OUT!!!
I told Mike tonight that I will always ALWAYS keep a bottle of this stuff around for this type of situation. I am sold!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
A sick kid and a steak
Monday, April 15, 2013
When life gives you...
A couple weeks ago the church decided to pull up s bunch of trees by our house. Since we haven't had rain until this week there was a fire ban. This morning they decided to burn the pile of trees. Bria said it was "funner than the bomb fire" from homecoming. The pile was still smoldering this evening when I took mk to softball practice and so I decided to get stuff for s'mores. And since dinner was still about 30 min away, we had dessert first...I guess when life gives you a campfire. ..make s'mores! Or something like that!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thoughts on running...
I have always hated running. I have never been a runner. But I went running 3 times this last week. Something has come over me....part of it is my daughter mk...she wants to do a triathalon and wants to run. I want running to be something we can do together. I want to set a good example for her. The other part of it is my new years resolution...I resolved to lose 60 pounds this year. Thats not going to happen without a little sweat! So are some thoughts so far:
1) I still don't love it...yet...but I am startimg to notice a desire to run...I am already planning out when to go next and how to work it into my schedule...that is a HUGE step for me.
2) Considering I haven't done any regular exercise routine in a long time...I feel pretty good. I am running just under a mile each time...part run part walk...I am gettimg faster each run and pushing myself to run more each time. I am good sore. I can still move. But I feel like I have worked out. And it feels good.
3) I am not sure how I feel about trail running. That's what we have out here...completely unpaved dirt/gravel road. I don't hate some ways I love it...I feel like I am just running down the road and all of a sudden I have gone a mile...its more scenic...its less monotonous than a treadmill or track. I like that. But I am not sure how I feel about running on uneven has caused some pain in my hips...nothing too bad but it is uncomfortable. I also have had to switch to my old running shoes because my new ones are very smooth bottomed more suited to pavement or tradmill where my old ones are trail runners. Much more comfortable than my new ones even though they are old and more worn out. I will need to get new trail shoes sooner than layer.
4) my hope/plan is to work up from a mile to a 5k. I have a tenative plan to run a 5k down in Austin near my sister in september. I like having something to work toward. My hope/goal is to ru n the whole walking. We shall see.
Here are two pics. The second is a pic of what I have been eating for lunch most days. I am trying to incorporate a low calorie diet along with the exercise. The first pic is from my front door...this is where I get to run. If you look to the right I run down to the last telephone pole and then back. Its about a mile.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Week in photos
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hold on, wait a minute...
Monday, April 1, 2013
Guest post: a first!
channel erin... channel erin.... channel erin....
So the plan was to go to Erins for Easter dinner and I was to make the deviled eggs. Erin is such a good cook and so creative and I did not want my eggs to mess up her meal so I decided to make deviled chick eggs like the ones in a picture Ben had shown me. Then Erin says "Mom write about your eggs and I will put you as a guest on my blog". I am not a blogger, I am doing well to handle texting and using a smart phone! So Erin told me to channel my inner Erin so this is what you get!
I boiled the eggs like normal and pealed them when done. Instead of cutting them like regular hard boiled eggs I stood them point end up and cut the tops off, removed the yolk to mix up, added just a few drops of yellow food color to make them more yellow, and filled the bottoms. I took a dab of yolk mixture to attach the tops at an angle. Then I took two baby carrots and cut thin slices on the angle and put them in as beaks. I used two cloves and used them as eyes. I put them in a small muffin pan and if I do it again I will use small cupcake liners as well. It was fun and not that hard to do.
So now you know both how to make deviled chick eggs and why I let Erin do the blogging!
unchannel Erin.... unchannel Erin....Unchannel Erin.....