
photo cred:Amanda V Photography

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thoughts on running...

I have always hated running.   I have never been a runner.  But I went running 3 times this last week.  Something has come over me....part of it is my daughter mk...she wants to do a triathalon and wants to run.   I want running to be something we can do together.   I want to set a good example for her.  The other part of it is my new years resolution...I resolved to lose 60 pounds this year.   Thats not going to happen without a little sweat!  So running...here are some thoughts so far:

1) I still don't love it...yet...but I am startimg to notice a desire to run...I am already planning out when to go next and how to work it into my schedule...that is a HUGE step for me.

2) Considering I haven't done any regular exercise routine in a long time...I feel pretty good.  I am running just under a mile each time...part run part walk...I am gettimg faster each run and pushing myself to run more each time.  I am good sore.  I can still move.  But I feel like I have worked out.  And it feels good.

3) I am not sure how I feel about trail running.  That's what we have out here...completely unpaved dirt/gravel road.  I don't hate it...in some ways I love it...I feel like I am just running down the road and all of a sudden I have gone a mile...its more scenic...its less monotonous than a treadmill or track.  I like that.  But I am not sure how I feel about running on uneven ground...it has caused some pain in my hips...nothing too bad but it is uncomfortable.  I also have had to switch to my old running shoes because my new ones are very smooth bottomed more suited to pavement or tradmill where my old ones are trail runners.  Much more comfortable than my new ones even though they are old and more worn out.  I will need to get new trail shoes sooner than layer. 

4) my hope/plan is to work up from a mile to a 5k.  I have a tenative plan to run a 5k down in Austin near my sister in september.  I like having something to work toward.   My hope/goal is to ru n the whole thing...no walking.  We shall see. 
Here are two pics.   The second is a pic of what I have been eating for lunch most days.  I am trying to incorporate a low calorie diet along with the exercise.  The first pic is from my front door...this is where I get to run.   If you look to the right I run down to the last telephone pole and then back.  Its about a mile.

1 comment:

  1. Erin,

    I'm so proud of you! Also, I like the area where you run...nothing but open skies. You'll be running a 5K in no time, if you keep up your routine.

